Dear Member and Supporter,
I am writing to update you on what we have been doing this year, what we plan for the coming year, and to ask for your continued support.
Our efforts at getting increased law enforcement on the River last year (00) resulted in some unexpected reactions. Stories were passed along to our elected officials that "gestapo-like tactics" were being used by the Police and Coast Guard, and that "hundreds" of noise violation citations were being issued. Some people said business would simply die if noise and speed laws were enforced.
The claims of gestapo-like tactics can only be left to your own imagination, but the "hundreds" of noise citations turned out to be less than a dozen. As you know from our prior communication, we believe that a reputation of no law enforcement keeps far more people away than it attracts.
But, apparently some of our elected officials believed theses messages, and enforcement has been less than evident this summer. Though some people have outfitted their boats with mufflers, there are many who have not, and some who openly refuse to. Speed enforcement is almost non-existent. The Park Police and Coast Guard are doing the best they can, but they need more resources, and they need support and encouragement from people above them, not restraint.
Our elected officials and the Police and Coast Guard need to hear that most people believe that you should not be able to run down the channel at 80 miles an hour when the speed limit is 35. That your boat is required to meet a 90 decibel noise test in New York State, and will be ticketed if it does not. That if you ignore the laws and get a ticket, that the enforcing groups are not "the gestapo". They will not hear this message unless they hear it from us.
To this end, we need to enhance our ability to communicate among our members quickly and efficiently. We plan to have a website up and running this winter which will allow us to communicate among ourselves, to enable the Board to communicate with you more often and more easily, and finally provide easy access to the laws and enforcement agencies.
In short, we need to re-double our efforts to get more help form the law enforcement agencies as well as assure that we continue to educate the broadest group possible about both New York State's laws and the rules of simple courtesy, which are at the heart of safe boating. Opposition or not, with your help, we will continue our mission.
John McCullough
President TISBA
P.S. I hope that you will renew your membership, as our members are the primary evidence that people along the River care about safe boating. If you are able to contribute beyond the $10 annual membership dues, it will help us cover the cost of the website, and allow us the resources to print more pamphlets and signs, and run more ads in the Vacationer.
Please return the enclosed envelope today!